viernes, 27 de abril de 2012

"The Wanted" talks mad about Britney

The Wanted, who opened for her on her Femme Fatale Tour, might be a breakout band, but they’re sticking their unwanted foot in their unwanted mouths when they talked smack about Britney AND Christina Aguilera! Yes, there might be a healthy feud with B and C fans, but when these quacks talk about both these pop princesses, forces must unite to stop their fuckery!

A source that works backstage at The Voice overheard The Wanted saying terrible things. They said:
“Both Christina and Adam did NOT like them at all. The guy named Tom in the band asked Christina if she felt more beautiful now that she lost all that weight? We were all shocked! She didn’t quite hear the whole question and asked her assistant if she heard what he said? But then Max jumped in and said “She is beautiful no matter what you say” in mocking kind of way. Christina’s boyfriend Matt Rutler was also backstage and didn’t like what he was hearing. Finally Christina said, “You boys better calm down and focus on yourselves.” She walked off really mad when Tom came out and told her not to worry and that “Britney still needs to work on her looks too for X Factor. It must be all those drugs she is on.” Christina was so mad!
The rest of the evening Christina ignored them. The boys didn’t understand why but then one of their assistants reminded them of the stuff they said earlier about Christina’s weight loss and Britney’s bad looks and drug taking. Nathan (who is also in the band) was really upset those things were ever said but the other guys ignored him. Tom said, “Why is she acting like such a bitch for?” Max agreed saying they were only joking around. So awkward!”
Here’s a video of them trashing Christina this week:



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