martes, 10 de agosto de 2010

Britney Spears has new album later this year

Britney Spears new album ready by December, while before we see the single presentation, 'Secrets' which will launch the first week of September

Britney Spears is back with new album. The pop princess is preparing for his new job that could be released in December, under the name of 'Truth'.

However, before that, in September we can see the single from the new album by Britney Spears. Little need be said, unless the item is called 'Secrets' which will come the first week of September. For now, we only know the cover image of this single.

Britney Spears's record label confirmed a representative of Sony Music confirmed that Britney Spears will return this year end. "The forecast is for December. But you know what it is, the CD release can be delayed or advanced. But meanwhile, the date is that. "

Last week, Adam Leber, manager of Britney Spears, used Twitter to try to stop comments on the new work of the singer. "No news of new music for now", published. Britney Spears revealed after a magazine cover will be next month, which will do him good news to their fans.

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