martes, 27 de diciembre de 2011

Britney to collaborate with Save The Children

Somalia and East Africa suffer one of the worst food crisis in decades. That is why Save the Children's started a campaign called "I'm gonna be your friend" to that already added their voices hundreds of artists around the world.

Britney Spears, Eminem, Jay Z, David Beckham, U2, Beyonce, The Rolling Stones, Muhammad Ali, Jennifer Lopez, Muse, Coldplay, Elton John, Black Eye Peas, Lewis Hamilton, Bruno Mars, Robert Plant, Kanye West , Madonna, Cristiano Ronaldo, Justin Bieber, Brian May, Sting and Rihanna are among the artists who support the initiative.
Through their Twitter accounts posted the hastag #beafriend for their followers to join and support the campaign which aims to help more than 12 million hungry people in Somalia and East Africa.
The campaign's anthem song "High Tide Or Low Tide" by the legendary Bob Marley song that was specially chosen by the family of musician for the contents of your letter, a call for unity and solidarity.


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