martes, 9 de abril de 2013

Bulls#¡ts about Britney and David

When you have a new lover you spend a little time with him, like in a golf practice, then you start to spend more time with your new ilussion, like a weekend in a spa, than begin the time called "couple" when both decide to be one-to-one, the couple changes dates in public like restaurant to trip to Vegas, comin home to having lunch, meeting the kids, "come with me to make the week grocery shopping", and somethings like this, BUT this doesn't meant that the couple was moving on together, boytoy start to play as the only dad of kids, the couple have plans to marry or having kids, when a relationship is public always have the bulls#¡t magazines dreamin about it, but when you called yourself a fan of The Legendary Miss Britney Spears you should denied that and dont belive everything that you read that's what a fan do.

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